The Netflix TV show "Suits" introduces viewers to a talented college dropout, Mike Ross, who lands a job as a law associate despite lacking a law degree. The catch? He must keep his secret hidden from his brilliant and ruthless boss, Harvey Specter. The chemistry between Harvey Spector and Mike Ross is electrifying from the start and it forms the core of the show. Harvey is the mentor/boss. But despite those too "SUITS" also has other amazing characters like razor-sharp lawyer Donna Paulsen to the ambitious paralegal Rachel Zan.
I've been watching "The Resident" on Netflix. It's not your average medical drama. Set in Chastain Park Memorial Hospital, it keeps it real by showing the challenges doctors face, like medical errors and ethical dilemmas. The characters, like Dr. Conrad Hawkins and Dr. Randolph Bell, feel genuine, dealing with their own personal struggles while trying to navigate the healthcare world. One thing "The Resident" does well is tackle tough topics head-on. It dives into patient rights, end-of-life decisions, and the influence of big companies on healthcare. It's not just about drama; it makes you think about the moral complexities of the medical field. What sets "The Resident" apart is its authenticity. From surgeries to tough diagnoses, the medical stuff feels genuine. Beyond the hospital walls, it also sheds light on social issues like healthcare inequality. So, if you're looking for a gripping show that's as real as it gets, give "Th...
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