The Netflix TV show "Suits" introduces viewers to a talented college dropout, Mike Ross, who lands a job as a law associate despite lacking a law degree. The catch? He must keep his secret hidden from his brilliant and ruthless boss, Harvey Specter. The chemistry between Harvey Spector and Mike Ross is electrifying from the start and it forms the core of the show. Harvey is the mentor/boss. But despite those too "SUITS" also has other amazing characters like razor-sharp lawyer Donna Paulsen to the ambitious paralegal Rachel Zan.

While "Suits" offers plenty of character-driven drama, it doesn't skip out on the legal battles. The show brilliantly shows courtroom drama and legal matter ,but it doesnt skip out on the personal and dramatic lives these lawyers have individually. You'll find yourself on the edge of your seat as the characters take on seemingly impossible cases, employing their legal powers. When i was watching it kept me not wanting to stop watching it until i finished the whole show. Also just as i thought i figured out the show new things bean to pop out like spoiler alert Rachel and Mike Ross moving away in the last season or like Donna working for Luis lit instead of Harvey the person shes been working with/for the whole show.

"SUITS" offers a look into the legal business and a glimpse of how being a lawyer is. After watching that show i was really debating on weather or not i should be a lawyer. Also the show provides personal growth and character developments. To conclude, "SUITS" is an amazing show that combines the legal world with amazing characters and it shows that wherever you may be in life you can always change at any moment, that its never to late


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