The movie "Fresh" really got me thinking about food and how we eat. It made me look at what I choose to eat and why. The movie talks about how our food is made and why it matters.The movie is like a wakeup call. It wants us to think about our food and how it's made. It shows that the big farms that make a lot of our food might not be doing things in the best way. The movie says we should have food that is better for the Earth and for us. It talks about farmers who are doing things in a good way, using organic and regenerative practices.
"Fresh" wants to teach people, especially those who might not know a lot about how our food is made. It gives facts and numbers about big farms and says we need to make a change. It wants us to stop just eating without thinking and start choosing our food carefully.There are some parts of the movie that really stand out. It shows big farms and small ones, and you can see how different they are. The struggles and successes of farmers who are doing things in a good way also make a big impression. The movie talks about how factory farming can be bad for the environment and animals, and it made me feel sad and uncomfortable.
After watching "Fresh," I started thinking about my food and where it comes from. It made me feel different emotions, like being upset about the way things are now and hopeful about farmers trying to make a positive change. It made me realize that the choices I make about food matter for the future.I think "Fresh" is a really important movie. It shows how important it is to know where our food comes from and how we can make better choices. It made me want to be more careful about what I eat and support farmers who are doing things in a good way. The movie wants us to talk about these things and make changes in how we do things.In the end, "Fresh" wants us to be smart about our food. It says we can make choices that are good for us and the Earth. It's like a call to action, telling us to stop just going along with how things are and start making a difference.
Pretty good final 4 entries, Oshana. You have some good topics and ideas. Keep working to develop deep analysis and significance for your audience. Good visual engagement and support. Keep blogging!